Many people with anxiety wake up feeling so worried that they just want to curl up under the covers and not face the day ahead. Try not to get discouraged, there are a number of ways to minimize morning anxiety and wake up excited to start the new day.

If you have morning anxiety regularly, your brain starts expecting it, even on days when you have no real worries. You need to retrain yourself to not fear the mornings and then, adopt morning habits that promote calmness and living in the present. Let’s talk about how you can achieve that:
1. Get quality sleep.
Let’s be honest, for some women running a busy household, this can sometimes seem impossible, but here’s what you can to to make it possible to reduce morning anxiety. Decide your “cutoff time” to start whining down and get ready for bed. Example: At ____ (8pm/9pm/10pm etc) I’m going to get ready for bed. Set YOUR TIME! If you don’t set your time, no one will give it to YOU.

2. Release your negative thoughts
Each day we create stories around the circumstances and events that surround us. Researchers say that we have about 60,000 thoughts per day! How exhausting is that? The less you attach to your thoughts and let them pass through without believing them and letting them affect you, the more likely you are to feel at peace and relaxed throughout the day.

3. Start a fun morning routine
Every women’s need is different. So whatever fun might be for you, whether it’s taking a walk, meditation, exercising, reading etc. Whatever it is, make sure you make it a part of your morning routine and something that is non-negotiable. That means not snoozing until the very last second and then leaving the house in a panicked frenzy. Set your alarm early enough to get up and eat breakfast, so you can deliberately start the day with some calm and relaxation. The more you do this, the easier it will become.

4. Write down your thoughts
Anxiety may often feel like you are holding in a heavy burden. Women who have many responsibilities often feel the need to keep what’s bothering them to themselves. The best way to relieve yourself is to write down exactly what you are thinking. In the morning, whatever comes to mind, it doesn’t have to be full sentences or make any sense, just get out whatever is on your mind. It’s a nice therapeutic practice and sets up the day in a way that’s calm and peaceful.
5. Use positive affirmations
Be your best cheerleader. “Say out loud, or to yourself, some positive affirmations such as, ‘I am going to make the best out of today no matter what’, ’I am stronger than I know,’ or ‘Today I want to be surrounded by peaceful energy,’’. Positive affirmations are an insanely simple way to train yourself to be more positive and present.
6. Ask yourself what you can do to make your day amazing?
It’s a simple question but it’s so powerful. By simply asking yourself “How can I make today amazing?” you make yourself realize that you are in control of how your day goes and how you feel about it. Then, do the things to make it amazing!
7. Meditate
There’s a misconception that you need to sit down to meditate for at least 30 minutes to an hour. You can start your daily practice investing anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. You can set the rules for yourself! You just need to commit to starting.
The best time to meditate is early in the morning (before your coffee or tea), that way you set yourself up for a peaceful start to your day. Follow these simple steps to start you meditation practice:
- Find a place that will be your sacred space for meditation.
- Choose a time.
- Wear comfortable clothes. For example your PJ’s.
- Sit comfortably. You can sit on a cushion on the floor, on your couch or a chair. Try to have backrest so you can keep your back erect. You don’t need to try fancy yogi postures at the beginning. Don’t lay down because most likely, you’ll fall asleep. Just sit still and straight.
- Set a timer.
- Always start your meditation practice with 5 to 7 long and slow deep breaths so you can start releasing tension.
- Then just start focusing your mind on an object. It could be the flame of a candle, your breathing or repeating a mantra like “I am”.
- Just know that you’ll have thoughts, you might feel sensations in your body and you might hear sounds in your environment. It’s all normal. Whenever you become conscious of that, just go back to the object you were focusing on, or go back to paying attention to your breathing again.
8. Eat a morning meal that makes you feel good
A great way to change your mood is to treat your body to amazing food. Instead of wasting your morning checking your Facebook feed, get yourself to the kitchen and prepare a beautiful delicious (and nutritious) breakfast! If you run a busy household, then try to do this before anyone else wakes up. Give yourself some “me” time before you start a busy day.

9. Give gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most important practices recommended to ease morning anxiety. It’s easy to get caught in the cycle of negative thinking and eventually forgetting what you do have. When you spend some time in the morning to list out 5 things you are grateful for, it shifts your whole mindset and your day becomes so much brighter. Get yourself a plastic jar and place a label that says GRATITUDE. Every day make daily 3-5 daily deposits into the jar with small notes of what you are grateful for. You can even encourage those in your household to make deposits as well. When it gets full and before clear it our, re-read all the notes before you discard!
10. Stay off social media
If you’re one of the people that checks their social media or email as soon as you wake up – stop that now! I didn’t realize how much it affects you until you stop doing it for a while. Each morning spent away from social media is so much more relaxed, peaceful, and joyful. We aren’t screamed at by a constant influx of information and messages and our mind has the capacity to just be. This in turn lowers your morning anxiety.

Conquering anxiety takes times. Implementing these actions one at a time can start to shift your day, it just takes consistency and the willingness to just start. The reality is nothing gets better overnight or with a snap of a finger. But if you set realistic goals and apply them you will blossom right through. For more in depth information, check out our morning meals that help boost your mood.